Wednesday, January 30, 2013

work in progress.

on a much happier note, i am 16 weeks pregnant with our second baby! of course, i have my pregnancy blog that i recently started up again, but i had to mention it here as well. i heard the heartbeat on tuesday and it made me grin ear to ear. we are so blessed!!

life is good. jim was deployed for a year. it felt like an eternity but now that he's been back for a year it feels like he was never gone! i sure love that man of mine. i was just reading wayyyy back in this blog and it's amazing how far i've come. i can't believe what i went through back then. it certainly made me stronger and i will always be grateful for that refiner's fire.

old problems remain in the past but new problems arise. you can't get away from troubles. whether you invite them in with your own poor decisions or it is thrust upon you by a person or event...troubles will touch each of us. what matters is what we do with them. will they have power over us or will we choose to take it as an opportunity for personal growth? i am glad i have this blog to remind me what i've learned along the way. i am so grateful for every trial i've met because each one has been a gift from God - a chance to become the woman He knows i can become.

i am not perfect. in fact, i am so very far from perfect. but each day i am learning, falling down and getting back up again. isn't that why we are here, to learn and progress? we will never be exactly who we want to be, or should be...but it's always something to strive for. and i'm striving.

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