Wednesday, January 30, 2013

being MOM.

"one more kiss and a hug!" he says to me. my son has wandered out into the darkness of the upstairs hallway in search of me, just as he does every night. even though i already gave him a kiss and a hug, he wants more. and how could i possibly deny him?

so we walk back into his bedroom, his older brother already fast asleep on the top bunk. he hops into bed and flings his head back onto his pillow, arms outstretched, waiting for my embrace. my hands search the darkness for his flannel sheet, and then his comforter. quickly found, i pull them up to his chest and wrap my arms about him. instantly, he plants a big wet one on my lips and says, "i love you, mom. you're the most beautiful."

how i cherish motherhood.

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