Thursday, September 30, 2010

taking a sick day.

it's been a while. hello.

i am feeling sick today. that heavy-head, sore throat, achey, tired kind of feeling. i've been watching my friend's girls for her, but not today. i am really disappointed, too, because this was my "last" day with them before her sister takes over the job. life is what happens when you make plans, eh?

so, since i am feeling blah (and the kids are playing quietly out in the hall where i can see them), i thought i'd pop in here for a quick update. i just read my last post, and although it's all very true, i think i say too much. still, this is my private blog and it's nice to vent to a small audience. *grin*

however, i would like to get the point where i don't feel the need to vent at all, not even the tiniest bit. possible? perhaps...
i love, love, LOVE books - especially children's books. i've been perusing (aka, our bread and butter) for a while and collecting a list of books i want to get for the kiddos from the new library (which is bee-yoo-tee-ful, btw).

while perusing, i came across a book from my childhood!! it's so funny because i was just telling jim about this book, not that long ago. i told him i couldn't remember the name of it, but i told him the story. well, to my great excitement, there was that same, familiar cover staring back at me from my laptop screen. yay!! i quickly added it to my amazon wish list.

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